

Physical Object

Santa Margarita (1622)
circa 1600 – 1620
An ornate, lead container from the 1622 galleon Santa Margarita is an inkwell. The body of the box held ink that was dipped from the large opening in the center. In 1622, ink was applied with quill pens, and the four smaller holes around the main opening were designed to hold quills. When dipped, the tubular quill would take up a small reserve of ink; enough to write a sentence or two. The sides of this inkwell are cast with decorative features that frame crosses of St. James, the symbol for the Order of Knights of Santiago. Membership in this religious and military order was a high honor. The one person on board the Santa Margarita who was a knight of Santiago was the galleon’s captain, Bernardino de Lugo, and this inkwell was surely his. Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.5 x 4.75 centimeters.